Legalizing weed has provided fewer benefits and more hazards than supporters promised. Time for a rethink.
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California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over.→
/Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Drug legalization has failed on every level. The legal drug business is collapsing. Cartels and gang members dominate the business. And open borders allowed them to bring massive numbers of laborers to boost their ranks.
Read MoreGangsters, Money and Murder: How Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market→
/A quadruple murder in Oklahoma shows how the Chinese underworld has come to dominate the booming illicit trade, fortifying its rise as a global powerhouse with alleged ties to China’s authoritarian regime.
Read More‘Broken system’: Banned pesticides keep showing up in California’s legal pot→
/‘Broken system’: Banned pesticides keep showing up in California’s legal pot
SFGATE investigation finds evidence consumers aren't being protected
Read MoreWhat Happened When Oregon Decriminalized Hard Drugs→
/A bold reform effort hasn’t gone as planned.
Read MoreThe dark reality of legal weed in California→
/When Proposition 64, California’s landmark cannabis initiative, passed in 2016, it had sold voters on the promise that a legal market would wipe out the drug’s outlaw business and the violence and environmental disaster associated with it.
Instead, it’s done the opposite.
Read MoreThieves are stealing California’s scarce water. Where’s it going? Illegal marijuana farms→
/As drought grips most of California, water thefts have increased to record levels. Thieves tap into hydrants, pump water from rivers and break into remote water stations and tanks.
Read MoreIllegal marijuana growers pose threat to North State→
/Drug trafficking. Murder. Millions of acres of illegal marijuana fields. Most Californians assume the best place to look for these stories is their preferred streaming service, but they are taking place in our own backyard.
Read MoreDoes marijuana legalization work? The answer is a resounding No.→
/In a powerful review of how Colorado is doing since legalizing marijuana for medical use in 2009 and for recreational use in 2014, David Murray of the Hudson Institute suggests the answer is a resounding “No.”
Read MoreA founding father of legal pot reveals regrets→
/I wish I could be proud of what we created, but I’m not. The outcome of 64 is shameful, hurts people, and Colorado is not “safer.”
Read MoreThe True Cost of Marijuana: A Colorado Town That Went All-In→
/Emergency room doctors in Pueblo see a different side of the equation and say the deleterious effects of cannabis legalization far outstrip any benefits.
Read MoreStop the "green rush"→
/What I learned is that just because prohibition failed, it does not mean legalization is succeeding. Few of the most significant benefits legalization advocates promised were materializing. The thirst for profit and the interests of powerful corporations were swiftly sidelining small-scale producers and retailers, even as we filmed. The need to provide justice to the victims of the war on drugs has been lost in the “green rush.” It was the same old story: powerful corporate interests coopt a nominally progressive social movement and warp it to their own benefit.
Read MoreLegalizing Marijuana Has Created a Black Market Plaguing Riverside County→
/There is a new sheriff in Riverside County, and he is attacking the illegal marijuana cultivation that’s plaguing his community in Southern California. Sheriff Chad Bianco was elected in November 2018, and has taken on the growing black market with a vengeance.
Read MoreLuke Niforatos: The pot industry's got lots of tricks -- Sens. McConnell, Shelby, please don't fall for them→
/Across the country, lobbyists for the marijuana industry, backed by Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and pharma investors, have focused much of their attention on getting members of Congress to back today’s highly potent legal weed under the guise of social justice to create a new addiction-for-profit industry.
Read MoreAfter 16 Months of “Legal” Pot In Californian Is Anything Working?
/Proposition 64 (November 2016) promised voters in California several key things in exchange for a vote to “legalize”. Have any of those promises been kept?
Read MoreThe Marijuana Delusion→
/States rush to legalize recreational pot, even as evidence of its harms grows.
Read More‘Dead Skunk’ Stench From Marijuana Farms Outrages Californians
/Marijuana Stinks and neighbors have had enough
Carpinteria High School, in particular, is flanked by cannabis greenhouses that have sent odors wafting in. In the past two years, students have complained of headaches, parents have grown angry and the high school has had to warn visiting sports teams that they might encounter the odor.
Read MoreFor every dollar gained in tax revenue, Coloradans spent approximately $4.50 to mitigate the effects of legalization→
/The costs associated with commercial marijuana are only going to go up as the long-term health consequences have not been fully determined. Like tobacco, commercial marijuana is likely to have health consequences that we won’t be able to determine for decades. Those costs are not configured in this report.
Read MoreArguments for Marijuana Legalization are Lies
/Lies were used to fool voters in states where marijuana “medicalization” or legalization was on the ballot and the lies continue to be foisted on the public for political power and money. Let me identify and answer a few of the lies.
Read MoreDespite Legalization, Marijuana Black Market Hides In Plain Sight→
/Legalization was supposed to end pot smuggling, but that hasn't worked out.
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