Marijuana Media
A peek into the fails, follies, dangers, and culture of Marijuana
We have compiled a gallery of videos for your consumption and information. From hash oil explosion, to the physical adverse effects of drugs, to the drug paraphernalia that gets people high. We hope that you find this gallery useful for your own use in your own fight against the spread of drug and pot culture.

Sheriff Reveals How Cartels Have Taken Over Rural California | Jeremiah LaRue

Black Market and Law Enforcement Problems

Schizophrenia Society of Canada // Cannabis & Psychosis

The False Dichotomy of Legalization and Criminalization | Kevin Sabet | TEDxPrincetonU

Holmes On Homes S06E05 Gone to Pot

Marijuana: A Second Class Addiction

Pot is the Problem #1 For Educators

Health Problems for Newborns

Marijuana is Not the Same as Alcohol

#TruthAboutEdibles PSA

A Marijuana Driven Life: Reuben's Story

A Terrible Mistake

Colorado's Mistake

Edible marijuana that looks like candy is sending kids to the ER

Vote NO on Prop 64 - legalization of marijuana for entertainment in California

"Medical" Marijuana issue

Busting the Myth That Marijuana Doesn't Kill in 1 minute

Smoke - No on Prop 64

Weed Documentary (2016) - High School: Marijuana in an American Public High School

How Marijuana Legalization Impacts Denver Public Schools

Mental Health & Marijuana / Anti Marijuana Educational Video

Chasing the Dragon (C)

The Truth About Drugs Documentary - Marijuana

Marijuana Grows and Restoration

Horizontal and Vertical Gaze Nystagmus

Dilated Pupils and Drug Influence

BHO Meth pipe

Dabbing using bong with titanium "bowl"

How to Smoke Wax Concentrates, Budder, Shatter, Oil Dabs Marijuana Tricks & Tips w/ Bogart #3

How to make Hash Oil

Hash Oil fails/explosions (blowing up the kitchen)


Stoned Moms: The Marijuana Industry's Greatest Untapped Market

Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills

Thinking about dropping marijuana from your drug test?

Medcial Marijuana Led to Connors Death at 19 MA Vote NO on 3

Pro-Marijuana Attorney VS. Anti-Legalization Advocate Battle! (Show #5 | Season 2)

Smoking Marijuana: The Long Term Effects

A Poem About Weed by Jackie Hill

Cannabis and the Brain

Marijuana and Driving Pt:1

Marijuana and Driving Pt:2

Keeping our Kids away from Drugs and Alcohol: A discussion with Lynn Fox PhD

The Marijuana-Opioid Connection

Residents Of San Francisco's Sunset District Protest Pot Dispensary Opening

Stop Promotion of Marijuana

Ultra Potent Pot: Growing Risks and Impacts

A Parents Lament on Marijuana

Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis | Ben Cort | TEDxMileHigh

Marijuana and Pregnancy - A Dangerous Mix