Colorado is Number One in the Nation for Youth Marijuana Use
/Colorado will no longer be known for it's alpine lifestyle and beautiful Rockies. It will be known as the US capitol of youth marijuana use. A federal study found that use of marijuana among the younger portion of the population was at it's highest in Colorado. An embarrassing fact for the pro pot movement who often stated and still states that legalization will actually lower use among teens. Their theory flies in the face of hard data
Also on the rise in Colorado are the number of marijuana related accidents, injuries, and death as a result of drivers under the influence of pot. Furthermore hash oil explosions rock neighborhood streets in Colorado, Washington and other states that have taken a more liberal stance on marijuana. Colorado and it's great failed experiment with pot has proven “If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.”
We then ask how long the pro pot lobby machine will operate in contradiction to fact, the opinion of the medical community, and the interest of public welfare?
We ask the state of California and any other state toying with the idea of marijuana to turn away now before the mistakes and problems of Colorado become theirs.