National Academy of Sciences report finds marijuana use compromises mental, physical health and public safety

[WASHINGTON, DC] - The National Academy of Sciences (NAS), in a landmark report written by top scientists, The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research, concluded after a review of over 10,000 peer-reviewed academic articles, that marijuana use is connected to, among other problems:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Mental health issues (like psychosis, social anxiety, and thoughts of suicide)
  • Increased risk of car crashes and driving fatalities
  • Progression from marijuana to and dependence on other drugs, including cocaine and heroin use
  • Compromised learning, memory, and attention loss (possibly permanent in some cases)
  • Low birth weight in newborns.

Additionally, the report indicated that, "in states where cannabis use is legal, there is increased risk of unintentional cannabis overdose injuries among children."

"More attention needs to be paid to the negative impacts of marijuana use on public health and safety.” said Scott Chipman, Southern California Chair of CALM (Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana). "Citizens need to continue to get fully informed and talk about the dangers of marijuana in their communities, with their kids and with their elected officials. The marijuana industry has been deceiving the public the same way Big Tobacco did for a century."

Carla Lowe, Northern California Chair of CALM urges, “Citizens in states that have not legalized or ‘medicalized’ marijuana should not. And, Citizens in states that have legalized marijuana should work with their local elected officials to use local land use laws to ban the cultivation and sales of marijuana. The marijuana of today is highly potent, long-acting ,mind-altering, addicting drug doing great damage to our kids' developing brains, our communities, and environment. The future of America is at stake.”

CALM continues to urge federal enforcement of the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) against the marijuana industry and begin now to reverse the tide of increased drug use in American.